Cranachan publish classroom resources to support the Yesteryear series, as well as professional development titles for teachers.
Launching at the Scottish Learning Festival 2017
Cranachan will launch its first professional development title for teachers at the Scottish Learning Festival at the SEC in Glasgow on 20th/21st September 2017.
Reflective Reading: Engaging and Practical Ideas for Teaching Reading Comprehension in the Primary Classroom by Anne Glennie
This long-awaited title finally publishes in print form Anne Glennie’s Reflective Reading methodology, which is used in many schools and authorities across Scotland. This book provides the ideal accompaniment to in-service training and also serves as a ‘teachers’s manual’ for those who are unable to attend face-to-face training. Definitely one for the staffroom shelf!
Coming Soon
Resource packs to accompany our Pokey Hat imprint are currently in development for each of the Yesteryear books: Fir for Luck, The Beast on the Broch, The Revenge of Tirpitz and Charlie’s Promise. Designed to save time for teachers, the resource books use the popular Reflective Reading methodology, and will be packed with photocopiable Task Maps, TexTplorers activities and a range of Short Read resources, including relevant non-fiction texts for whole-class use. Using the Comprehension Compass as a guide, higher order skills tasks, opportunities for teaching grammar, punctuation and Writer’s Craft, are all included as part of ‘getting under the skin’ of the text. Challenging, practical and engaging: who knew comprehension could be such fun!